Addison tied and gave me one of these a few months back along with a picture of an absolute goliath whitefish he caught on it this winter. It's a lot like the Blow Torch pattern. Always on the hunt for new additions to the nymph box, I tied up several and have given them a swim in the NF Nooksack and Yakima. No surprise, they catch fish!
Confluence Beer Pairing: My wife and I dropped by Wander several weeks back for a drink and low and behold, they had a Confluence Ale on tap and in bottles. Obviously, I had to try it and am pleased to say it was right up my alley. It’s a blended saison collab between Wander and Aslan, incorporating some flanders red, brett saison and brett pilsner barrels between the two brewers. It’s funky and weird in a good way, just like the fly shop it happens to share a name with. Grab a bottle, pour yourself a splash and tie a few pink tags before you next hit the river.