June Fly of the Month: Pink Tag

June Fly of the Month: Pink Tag

Addison tied and gave me one of these a few months back along with a picture of an absolute goliath whitefish he caught on it this winter. It's a lot like the Blow Torch pattern. Always on the hunt for new additions to the nymph box, I tied up several and have given them a swim in the NF Nooksack and Yakima. No surprise, they catch fish! 

It’s a great pattern when the river is a little colored up. Between the dark silhouette of the body and the bright contrast of the tail, this little bug gets seen. You can alter the color of the tag as you see fit. The Hanak 400BL has become scarce during Covid, so I’m tying these on 470BL’s as well. You can fish this one on a tight line euro nymphing or under an indicator. Tie up a few for your next river outing.


Pink Tag Recipe:
Hook: #14 Hanak 400BL
Bead: 3mm Hanak Gold Slotted Tungsten
Thread: 70 Denier Ultra Thread Red
Tail: Fl Pink Glo Brite
Rib: Small Ultra Wire Red
Body: Peacock Black Ice Dub
Hackle: Black CDC


Confluence Beer Pairing:  My wife and I dropped by Wander several weeks back for a drink and low and behold, they had a Confluence Ale on tap and in bottles. Obviously, I had to try it and am pleased to say it was right up my alley. It’s a blended saison collab between Wander and Aslan, incorporating some flanders red, brett saison and brett pilsner barrels between the two brewers. It’s funky and weird in a good way, just like the fly shop it happens to share a name with. Grab a bottle, pour yourself a splash and tie a few pink tags before you next hit the river.

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