Confluence Blog

March Fly of the Month: Hot Blooded Bloodworm

March Fly of the Month: Hot Blooded Bloodworm

Early in our stillwater season, with the near absence of more prolific insect hatches, chironomid larvae (aka bloodworms) make up a notable portion of a trout's diet.  They can be...

March Fly of the Month: Hot Blooded Bloodworm

Early in our stillwater season, with the near absence of more prolific insect hatches, chironomid larvae (aka bloodworms) make up a notable portion of a trout's diet.  They can be...

Fly Fishing Report: March 2019

Fly Fishing Report: March 2019

As a short month, February seemingly slipped by me in a wink.  Between limited fishing opportunities, blankets of snow and abysmally cold weather, there just wasn't much to report.  Most...

Fly Fishing Report: March 2019

As a short month, February seemingly slipped by me in a wink.  Between limited fishing opportunities, blankets of snow and abysmally cold weather, there just wasn't much to report.  Most...

January Fly of the Month: Black & Blue Balanced Leech

January Fly of the Month: Black & Blue Balanced...

Balanced Leeches are becoming more and more popular amongst the ranks of stillwater fly fishers and account for lots of nice trout throughout the lake season.  They offer several advantages...

January Fly of the Month: Black & Blue Balanced...

Balanced Leeches are becoming more and more popular amongst the ranks of stillwater fly fishers and account for lots of nice trout throughout the lake season.  They offer several advantages...

Fly Fishing Report: January 2019

Fly Fishing Report: January 2019

Happy New Year everyone along with our sincerest hopes that 2019 brings you the joy, success, intensity and excitement in each and every fly fishing endeavor you're about to pursue. ...

Fly Fishing Report: January 2019

Happy New Year everyone along with our sincerest hopes that 2019 brings you the joy, success, intensity and excitement in each and every fly fishing endeavor you're about to pursue. ...

Fly Fishing Report: December 2018

Fly Fishing Report: December 2018

Everything has dropped in nicely over the last week thanks to a plummeting mercury and welcome break in the rain. In the midst of our seasonal doom and gloom, these...

Fly Fishing Report: December 2018

Everything has dropped in nicely over the last week thanks to a plummeting mercury and welcome break in the rain. In the midst of our seasonal doom and gloom, these...

December Fly of the Month: Leadbelly Spey

December Fly of the Month: Leadbelly Spey

Winter is upon us and with it the cherished opportunity to swing flies for steelhead in our favorite rivers and streams of the west coast. I've long been a fan...

December Fly of the Month: Leadbelly Spey

Winter is upon us and with it the cherished opportunity to swing flies for steelhead in our favorite rivers and streams of the west coast. I've long been a fan...