Confluence Blog

November Fly of the Month: Rubber Legged Christmas Island Special

November Fly of the Month: Rubber Legged Christ...

Fall and winter are great times to think about going somewhere the weather isn't totally lousy and fishing for cool species we don't get to experience around these parts. Bonefish...

November Fly of the Month: Rubber Legged Christ...

Fall and winter are great times to think about going somewhere the weather isn't totally lousy and fishing for cool species we don't get to experience around these parts. Bonefish...

Fly Fishing Report: November 2018

Fly Fishing Report: November 2018

Well, you asked for it! There was nothing subtle about this year's re-entry into the monsoon season. Our endless summer of warm dry weather and abundant sunshine ended abruptly when...

Fly Fishing Report: November 2018

Well, you asked for it! There was nothing subtle about this year's re-entry into the monsoon season. Our endless summer of warm dry weather and abundant sunshine ended abruptly when...

October Fly of the Month: Gold Bead Rolled Muddler

October Fly of the Month: Gold Bead Rolled Muddler

The Muddler Minnow has for many years possessed a supernatural fish-catching ability for all sorts of species. My love affair with the Muddler has introduced me to scads of big-shouldered...

October Fly of the Month: Gold Bead Rolled Muddler

The Muddler Minnow has for many years possessed a supernatural fish-catching ability for all sorts of species. My love affair with the Muddler has introduced me to scads of big-shouldered...

September Fly of the Month: Peter Parker Cutty Spider

September Fly of the Month: Peter Parker Cutty ...

Spiders and sea run cutthroat go together like bread and butter, wine and cheese, beer and a big bag of Cheetos. This fly is inspired by the many great spider...

September Fly of the Month: Peter Parker Cutty ...

Spiders and sea run cutthroat go together like bread and butter, wine and cheese, beer and a big bag of Cheetos. This fly is inspired by the many great spider...

Fly Fishing Report: September 2018

Fly Fishing Report: September 2018

I honestly began to feel like our sunny summer streak would never end, as rivers shrunk and continued to shrink into shriveled boney versions of themselves. Then the skies blew...

Fly Fishing Report: September 2018

I honestly began to feel like our sunny summer streak would never end, as rivers shrunk and continued to shrink into shriveled boney versions of themselves. Then the skies blew...

August Fly of the Month: Coho Sand Lance

August Fly of the Month: Coho Sand Lance

Pacific Sand Lance are prevalent throughout much of Puget Sound and make up a popular menu item for our saltwater coho salmon and cutthroat trout throughout the late spring and...

August Fly of the Month: Coho Sand Lance

Pacific Sand Lance are prevalent throughout much of Puget Sound and make up a popular menu item for our saltwater coho salmon and cutthroat trout throughout the late spring and...